Math Software with 2D and 3D Graphing, Calculus, Curve Fitting, Matrices and More...
Math Mechanixs® is an award winning easy to use general purpose math software program compatible with Microsoft Windows®. It is ideal for students, teachers, engineers and scientists or anyone requiring an easy to use PC based mathematical software program. It will also do so much more than your calculator. Math Mechanixs was created with the belief that computers were made to solve mathematical problems. Our goal is to make math software available to everyone.

Math Software Description
Math Mechanixs is not a training aid or a spreadsheet program. It works using a Math Editor (as opposed to a Text Editor) allowing you to type the mathematical expressions similar to the way you would write them on a piece of paper. The software uses a multiple document interface so that you can work on multiple solutions simultaneously. There is a full feature scientific calculator combined with an integrated variables and functions list window so that you can easily track your defined variables and functions.
Stunning Color Graphs

You can easily create large 2D and 3D full color graphs that are nothing less than "Stunning". With Math Mechanixs, 2D and 3D graphing of data and functions is easy. Our graphing utility allows you to label data points, as well as zoom, rotate and translate the graph. For more information see our graphing page or check out our screen shots page for examples of our 2D and 3D graphics. There is also Tutorials available that will help you quickly learn how to create various types of 2D and 3D graphs in Math Mechanixs.

Function Library and Solver
The math software also provides an extensive function library containing over 280 embedded functions which includes general math, trigonometric, chemistry, geometric, statistical, and numerous random number generators following a variety of statistical distribution and many other function categories. The library is also completely extendable by the user. Math Mechanixs also includes a Function Solver graphical interface that allows you to quickly obtain a solution, to any function, by only entering the input parameters.

The Math Mechanixs Calculus Utility contains a numerical integration module capable of performing single, double, and triple integration. You can easily compute the integral of almost any mathematical function. This utility also includes a numerical differentiation module which is capable of performing single, double and triple differentials. You can easily plot the differentiation curve to locate maxima and minima with the click of a button. This utility is currently available for download in the latest release.

Root Finding
Released in version is a Math Tools utility which includes a Root Finding tool. This utility will find the real roots of mathematical expressions and functions plus complex roots of polynomials. The Root Finder allows you to easily graph your function or expression in order to visualize the zero crossings (i.e. roots) making it easier to focus on roots within specific thresholds of your function or to verify your results.
Curve Fitting

The Curve Fitting Utility released in version will allow you to easily perform linear and non-linear regression analysis using an nth order polynomial. This tool is perhaps one of the most useful tools available in Math Mechanixs. Data modeling has wide reaching applications in Manufacturing, Quality Control and Six Sigma, Process Engineering and many other scientific and engineering fields. Please periodically visit this website and watch for new releases of Math Mechanixs.

Quick Graph
Quick Graph Utility is another Math Tools utility which promises to make 2D graphing of mathematical expressions as easy as 1, 2, 3. It couldn't be easier, simply enter your mathematical expression, select or enter the x-axis variable, enter the range and number of points, and press the graph button. Your graph will intantly appear... Ok, so maybe it is more like 1, 2, 3, 4... but we still guarantee that this utility will make graphing so simple, a baby can do it!

The Matrix Utility (released in version 1.5) is also part of the Math Mechanixs Math Tools utility and can be used to perform common matrix mathematics and linear equation solving. The new utility can be used to solve matrix problems with matrices as large as 10 x 10. The utility supports matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, scalar multiplication, inverse, transpose, cofactor, adjugate, trace, rank, LU decomposition and determinants. Math Mechanixs makes matrix math simple, compare the ease or our GUI against your graphing calculator and its tiny 2 X 2 display!

Statistical Plotting 
The Statistical Plotting Utility, released with version, allows you to easily build Hytograms and Pareto Charts from manually entered data or from imported data loaded from ASCII Text or CSV files.You can easily select from two chart types, hystogram or pareto, plus you can either let Math Mechanixs compute the optimal frequency interval or you can explicitly set the number of frequency intervals to use in creating your plot.
Integrated Help System

Math Mechanixs has a completely integrated help system which also includes select video tutorials which will greatly reduce the time it takes to learn how to use the software. To find the help topic associated with a particular feature of the software using the integrated help, simply click on the help button assocated with the feature and get instant help or click the context sensitive help button from the main tool bar and then click on any point where you would like help.
Math Mechanixs Pricing and Licensing
Math Mechanixs Lite is available FREE with our compliments. The Lite version includes the Math Editor, the Scientific Calculator, 2D/3D Graphing, and the user extendable Function Library with over 280 predefined functions. However, if you enjoy using the more advanced features of Math Mechanixs Professional, we kindly ask that you register the software after your 30 day evaluation period has ended. For more information on pricing, please visit our pricing and licensing page.
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