The Math Mechanixs function library consists of over 280 functions and constants and can easily be extended. You can quickly extend this library by creating your own functions and categories and use the Function Solver to compute the values.
- ABS - Absolute Value of Parameter
- BASECON - Base Conversion of Parameters
- CEIL - Ceiling of list of Parameters
- CUBERT - Cube root of a number
- EXP - "e" raised to the power of the parameter
- FLOOR - Floor of list of Parameters
- GCD - Greatest Common Divisor of Two Numbers
- LCM - Returns the least common multiple of two numbers
- LN - Natural log of a number
- LOG - Log of a number to a base
- LOG10 - Calculates the log base ten of a number
- MEAN - Arithmetic mean of a list of numbers
- PCHANGE - Percentage change between two numbers
- POW - Value of a base number raised to the power of an exponent
- PTOR - Converts polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates
- REM - Remainder of a number divided by another
- ROUND - Rounds a real number to the closest integer
- RTOP - Convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
- SQRT - Square root of a number
- TRUNC - Truncates a real number
- AVGDEV - Average Deveation of Parameters
- COMB - Binomial Coefficient
- COUNT - Number of parameters in a list of numbers
- ERF - Returns the Error Function
- ERFC - Returns the Complimentary Error Function
- GMEAN - Geometric mean of a list of numbers
- HMEAN - Harmonic mean of a list of numbers
- KURT - Coefficient of kurtosis for a list of numbers
- LQRTLE - Calculates the lowest quartile value from a list of numbers
- MAX - Returns the largest value from a list of numbers
- MEAN - Returns the arithmetic mean of a list of parameters
- MEDIAN - Calculates the median (middle ranked value) from a list of numbers
- MIN - Returns the smallest value from a list of numbers
- MODE - Calculates the mode (most frequently occurring) from a list of numbers
- NORDIST - Calculates the value of the normal probability distribution
- NORMX - Calculates the value given the area under the normal distribution
- NORPROB - Calculates the probability of a number falling between defined bounds
- PERM - Calculates the number of possible permutations
- PRCTLE - Calculates the percentile value from a list of numbers
- PSTDEV - Calculates the population standard deviation for a list of numbers
- PVAR - Calculats the population variance from a list of numbers
- QMEAN - Quadratic mean of a list of numbers
- RANGE - Returns a range of a list of numbers
- RANK - Returns a rank order of a value within a list of numbers
- RMS - Returns the RMS or Root Mean Square (also called the quadratic mean)
- SKEW - Calculates the coefficient of skewness
- SSTDEV - Calculates the sample standard deviation for a list of numbers
- SUMDEV - Sum of the deviations from the mean of a list of numbers
- SUMDEVSQ - Sum squared of the deviations from the mean of a list of numbers
- SUMX - Returns the sum of a list of numbers
- SUMXSQ - Returns the sum of the squares of a list of numbers
- SVAR - Calculates the sample variance of a list of numbers
- UQRTLE - Calculates the upper quartile of a list of numbers
- WSNORM - Performs the Wilks Shapiro test of normality of a list of numbers
- ZSCORE - Calculates the z-score of a list of numbers
- BERDEV - Returns a random deviate drawn from a bernoulli distribution
- BETADEV - Returns a beta distributed random deviate
- BNLDEV - Returns a binomial distributed random deviate
- CAUDEV - Returns a cauchy distributed random deviate
- CHIDEV - Returns a chi-squared distributed random deviate
- DEXPDEV - Returns a double exponentially distributed random deviate
- EXPDEV - Exponentially distributed random diviate
- FDEV - Returns a F distributed random deviate
- GAMDEV - Returns a gamma distributed random deviate
- LOGDEV - Returns a logistic distributed random deviate
- NCHIDEV - Returns a non-central chi-squared distributed random deviate
- NORDEV - Returns the random normally distributed deviate
- RAND - Returns a uniformly distributed random number within given limits
- RAYDEV - Returns a rayleigh distributed random deviate
- BETACDF - Returns the value of the Beta random variable CDF
- BETAPDF - Returns the value of the Beta random variable PDF
- BETAX - Returns the critical point of the Beta random variable CDF
- CAUCHYCDF - Returns the value of the Cauchy random variable CDF
- CAUCHYPDF - Returns the value of the Cauchy random variable PDF
- CAUCHYX - Returns the critical point of the Cauchy random variable CDF
- CHISQCDF - Returns the value of Chi-square random variable CDF
- CHISQPDF - Returns the value of Chi-square random variable PDF
- CHISQX - Returns the critical point of the Chi-square random variable CDF
- DBLEXPCDF - Returns the value of the Double Exponential random variable CDF
- DBLEXPPDF - Returns the value of the Double Exponential random variable PDF
- DBLEXPX - Returns the critical point of the Double Exponential CDF
- EXPCDF - Returns the value of the Exponential random variable CDF
- EXPPDF - Returns the value of the Exponential random variable PDF
- EXPX - Returns the critical point of the Exponential random variable CDF
- FRATIOCDF - Returns the value of the F-ratio random variable CDF
- FRATIOPDF - Returns the value of the F-ratio random variable PDF
- FRATIOX - Returns the critical point of the F-ratio random variable CDF
- GAMMACDF - Returns the value of the Gamma random variable CDF
- GAMMAPDF - Returns the value of the Gamma random variable PDF
- GAMMAX - Returns the critical point of the Gamma random variable CDF
- LOGISTICCDF - Returns the value of the Logistic random variable CDF
- LOGISTICPDF - Returns the value of the Logistic random variable PDF
- LOGISTICX - Returns the critical point of the Logistic random variable CDF
- LOGNORMCDF - Returns the value of the Lognormal random variable CDF
- LOGNORMPDF - Returns the value of the Lognormal random variable PDF
- LOGNORMX - Returns the critical point of the Lognormal random variable CDF
- NORMALCDF - Returns the value of the Normal random variable CDF
- NORMALPDF - Returns the value of the Normal random variable PDF
- NORMALX - Returns the critical point of the Normal random variable CDF
- RAYLEIGHCDF - Returns the value of the Rayleigh random variable CDF
- RAYLEIGHPDF - Returns the value of the Rayleigh random variable PDF
- RAYLEIGHX - Returns the critical point of the Rayleigh random variable CDF
- STUDTCDF - Returns the value of Student's T random variable CDF
- STUDTPDF - Returns the value of Student's T random variable PDF
- STUDTX - Returns the critical point of the Student's T random variable CDF
- UNIFORMCDF - Returns the value of the Uniform random variable CDF
- UNIFORMPDF - Returns the value of the Uniform random variable PDF
- UNIFORMX - Returns the critical point of the Uniform random variable CDF
- WEIBULLCDF - Returns the value of the Weibull random variable CDF
- WEIBULLPDF - Returns the value of the Weibull random variable PDF
- WEIBULLX - Returns the critical point of the Weibull random variable CDF
- ACOS - Arc Cosine of Parameter
- ACOSH - Arc Hyperbolic Cosine of Parameter
- ASIN - Arc Sine of Parameter
- ASINH - Arc Hyperbolic Sine of Parameter
- ATAN - Arc Tangent of Parameter
- ATANH - Arc Hyperbolic Tangent of Parameter
- CAHANGLE - Computes the angle of a right sided triangle from adjacent side and hypotenuse
- COS - Cosine of Parameter
- COSH - Hyperbolic Cosine of Parameter
- COT - Cotangent of an angle
- CSC - Cosecant of an angle
- DEG - Converts an angle in radians to degrees
- HYPOT - Hypotenuse computed from two opposing sides of a right triangle
- RAD - Convert an angle in degrees to radian
- SEC - Secant of an angle
- SIDEADJ - Computes the adjacent side of a right triangle
- SIDEOPP - Computes the opposite side of a right triangle
- SIN - Sine of Parameter
- SINH - Hyperbolic Sine of Parameter
- SOHANGLE - Computes the angle of a right sided triangle from opposite side and the hypotenuse
- TAN - Tangent of Parameter
- TANANGLE - Computes the angle of a right sided triangle from adjacent and opposite sides
- TANH - Hyperbolic Tangent of Parameter
- CANGLE - Angle in Radians of a parameter in the complex plane
- CONJ - Complex conjugate of a complex number
- CMAG - Magnitude of parameter in complex plane
- IMAG - Imaginary part of a complex number
- NORM - Square of the absolute value of a vector in the complex plane
- PTOC - Complex number given magnitude and angle in the complex plane
- REAL - Real part of a complex number
- DISTANCE - Distance between any two points in the cartesian coordinate plane
- LINEXVAL - Value of X for a given y axis value on a line
- LINEYVAL - Value of y for a given x axis value on a line
- QUADXVAL1 - First solution to quadratic equations
- QUADXVAL2 - Second solution to quadratic equations
- SLOPE - Slope of a line
- DENSITY - Density of a substance
- DMOLARITY - Diluted Molarity of a solution
- MOLARITY - Molarity of a solution
- MOLALITY - Molality of a solvent
- pH - pH of a solution
- PRESSURE - Pressure of an ideal gas
- TEMPERATURE - Temperature of an ideal gas
- VOLUME - Volume of an ideal gas
- VOLUMED - Diluted Volume of a solution
- ABSTEMP - Absolute temperature at freezing point
- AVAGADRO - Avagadro's constant
- BOLTZMANN - Boltzmann's constant
- e - Irrational number denoted as "e"
- FARADAY - Faraday's constant
- GAS - Universal gas constant
- GRAVCON - Gravitational constant
- GRAVITY - Acceleration of gravity
- ANGSTROMTOINCH - Angstroms to inches conversion
- ANGSTROMTOMETER - Angstroms to meters conversion
- ANGSTROMTOMICRON - Angstroms to micron conversion
- CENTIGRADE - Converts degrees farenheit to degrees centigrade
- CENTIMETERTOINCH - Centimeter to inches conversion
- FARENHEIT - Converts degrees centigrade to degrees farenheit
- FEETPERHOURTOKNOTS - Feet per hour to knots conversion
- INCHTOANGSTROM - Inches to angstroms
- INCHTOCENTIMETER - Inches to centimeters conversion
- INCHTOMETER - Inches to meters conversion
- INCHTOMICRON - Inches to microns converstion
- KNOTSTOFEETPERHOUR - Knots to feet per hour conversion
- KNOTSTOMILESPERHOUR - Knots to miles per hour
- METERTOINCH - Meters to inches conversion
- METERTOANGSTROM - Meters to angstroms conversion
- MILESPERHOURTOKNOTS - Miles per hour to knots conversion
- MICRONTOINCH - Microns to inches conversion
- MICRONTOANGSTROM - Microns to angstroms conversion
- CAPREACT - Capacitive reactance in ohms
- ECURRENT1 - Electrical current computed from the voltage and resistance
- ECURRENT2 - Electrical current computed from the power and resistance
- ECURRENT3 - Electrical current computed from the power and voltage
- EPOWER1 - Electrical power computed from the voltage and current
- EPOWER2 - Electrical power computed from the resistance and current
- EPOWER3 - Electrical power computed from the voltage and resistance
- ERESIST1 - Electrical resistance computed from the voltage and current
- ERESIST2 - Electrical resistance computed from the voltage and power
- ERESIST3 - Electrical resistance computed from the power and current
- INDREACT - Inductive reactance in ohms
- IMPEDENCE - Electrical impedence in ohms
- PRESIST - Parallel resistance for a set of values in ohms
- SRESIST - Series resistance for a set of values in ohms
- FLUIDDENSITY - Fluid Density of a column of fluid
- PBCOL - Fluid Pressure at the bottom of a column of fluid
- PTCOL - Fluid Pressure at the top of a column of fluid
- GCOL - Acceleration of Gravity computed from a column of fluid
- HCOL - Height of a column of fluid
- BHLOSS - Bernoulli Head Loss of an incompressible inviscid fluid
- FLOWRATE - Fluid Flow Rate across an area
- AFLOW - Flow Area based on uniform velociy
- VFLOW - Fluid Velocity accross a cross sectional area
- FLUIDPRESS - Fluid Pressure on a surface a surface area
- FLUIDFORCES - Fluid Force on a surface over which a fluid pressure is exerted
- FLUIDAREA - Fluid Area over which a fluid pressure is exerted
- PGAUGE - Guage Pressure
- PATMOS - Atmospheric Pressure
- COMPRESS - Fluid Compressibility
- BULKMOD - Fluid Bulk Modulus
- DWHLOSS - Darcy Weisbach Head Loss
- DWHPIPEFRICT - Friction Factor for a pipe based on Darcy Weisbach Head Loss
- DWHPIPELEN - Pipe Length based on Darcy Weisbach Head Loss
- DWHPIPEDIA - Pipe Diameter based on Darcy Weisbach Head Loss
- DWHVFLOW - Darcy Weisbach Flow Velocity
- VFLOWRATE - Venturi Meter Flow Rate
- HWFLOWRATE - Hazen Williams Fluid Flow Rate
- HWPIPEDIA - Pipe Diameter based on the Hazen Williams formula
- HWVFLOW - Hazen Williams Mean Flow Velocity
- HWFRICCOEFF1 - Friction Coefficient based on the Hazen Williams formula
- HWFRICCOEFF2 - Friction Coefficient based on the Hazen Williams formula
- HWHYDRADIUS - Hydraulic Radius based on the Hazen Williams formula
- HWHYDGRDLSLP1 - Hydraulic Line Slope based on the Hazen Williams formula
- HWHYDGRDLSLP2 - Hydraulic Line Slope based on the Hazen Williams formula
- CAPRECOV - Series capital recovery
- CPOUND - Returns the future sum of money, Compounded Amount
- PVALUE - Returns the present value or present worth
- SCPOUND - Returns the series future sum of money or series compound amount
- SINKFUND - Returns the uniform series sinking fund value
- SPVALUE -Returns the series present value or present worth
- ANGLESUMPOLY - Sum of the angle measures for a regular polygon
- AREACIR - Area of a circle
- AREACONE - Surface area of a right circular cone
- AREACYL - Surface area of a right cylinder
- AREAPARA - Area of a parallelogram
- AREAPOLY - Area of a regular polygon
- AREARECT - Area of a rectangle
- AREASPHERE - Surface area of a sphere
- AREASQR - Area of a square
- AREATRAP - Area of a trapezoid
- AREATRI1 - Area of a triangle computed from the base and perpendicular height
- AREATRI2 - Area of a triangle computed from the lengths of each side of triange
- CIRCUMC - Circumference of a circle
- HYPOT - Hypotenuse computed from two opposing sides of a right triangle
- PERIMRECT - Perimeter of a rectangle
- PERIMSQR - Perimeter of a square
- PERIMTRI - Perimiter of a triangle
- VOLCONE - Volume of a cone
- VOLCYL - Volume of a right cylinder
- VOLPRISM- Volume of a prism
- VOLPYR - Volume of a pyramid
- VOLSPHERE - Volume of a sphere
- AND - Logical "AND" of Parameters
- IF - Logical "If"
- NOT - Logical "NOT"
- OR - Logical "OR"
- TRUE - Logical "TRUE"
- FALSE - Logical "FALSE"
- DISTCA - Distance traveled by an object moving with a constant acceleration
- DISTCV - Distance traveled by an object moving at a constant velocity
- ENERGY - Energy of an object with mass
- ENERGYK - Kinetic energy of an object of mass traveling at a constant velocity
- ENERGYM - Mechanical Energy of an object
- ENERGYP - Potential energy of an object of mass
- FORCE - Force acting on an object of mass moving with a constant acceleration
- FORCEG - Force of gravity between two objects of mass
- MOMENTUM - Momentum of an object with mass moving at a velocity
- TIMET - Travel Time of an object moving over a distance at a constant velocity
- VELOCITY - Velocity of an object moving over a distance during a period
- VELOCITYA - Velocity of an object after accelerating with a contant acceleration
- CP - Process Capability for an upper and lower specification limit
- CPL - Process Capability for a lower specification limit
- CPU - Process Capability for an upper specification limit
- CPK - Process Capability Index for an upper and lower specification limit
- CPM - Taguchi Capability Index for an upper and lower specification limit
- DPM - Defects Per Million falling outside the upper and lower specification limits
- DPMCP - Capability Index Failure Rate in Defects Per Million (DPM) for a given CP
- DPMLSL - Defects Per Million falling below the lower specification limit
- DPMUSL - Defects Per Million falling above the upper specification limit
- PDEF - Percent Defective falling outside the upper and lower specification limits
- PDEFLSL - Percent Defective falling below the lower specification limit
- PDEFUSL - Percent Defective falling above the upper specification limit
- PP - Process Performance for an upper and lower specification limit
- PPL - Process Performance for a lower specification limit
- PPU - Process Performance for an upper specification limit
- PPK - Process Performance Index for an upper and lower specification limit
- ZLOWER - Lower Z Value or number of standard deviations below the LSL
- ZUPPER - Upper Z Value or number of standard deviations above the USL
- LCLc - C Chart Lower Control Limit
- LCLnp - NP Chart Lower Control Limit
- UCLc - C Chart Upper Control Limit
- UCLnp - NP Chart Upper Control Limit
General Math
Random Number Generators
Continuous Distribution Functions
Complex Numbers
Fluid Mechanics
Six Sigma Related Functions
Statistical Process Control
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